Saturday, 22 December 2012

Remembering the reason for the season...

I am soo excited that its is three sleeps till Christmas Day! My three year old is completely overwhelmed by and caught up in the magic of Christmas, we have had Christmas parties, carol singing, umpteen chistmas movies including a trip to see the 4D rocket the reindeer movie and of course meeting the one and only Santa Claus and Mrs Claus! Aaron has told Santa what he would like for Christmas and he has been excitedly helping us pick out gifts for our family and friends.

I have loved watching him become more and more excited and in awe of this fabulous festive season. Of course we have been reading Aaron's Christmas Bible story book and he loves hearing the story of Baby Jesus and how the angels came to tell the shepherds about the newborn King! I love that at the heart of this time of year is our awesome God who came down from heaven, became man and took on all the sins of the world so that we would be free and forgiven. Now that truly is the most amazing and selfless gift of love and it is freely given to each and everyone of us, we just need to accept it and then see how God will transform our hearts and lives :)

Not only have we been getting ready for Christmas but we have also started making preparations for baby Edwards no.2 who is due in February! I finished work last week (yay!) and have started washing Aaron's baby clothes and getting my hospital bag ready. After Christmas we are going to put up the crib and get the bedding and washable nappies all prepared, I cannot wait! Looking at the tiny baby gros and scratch mitts that my three year old boisterous boy used to wear is mind blowing, where did those three years go? And when did he go from 7lbs 11oz to 3 1/2 stone?! Love being a momma and can't believe I am blessed to do it all over again. :)

Happy holidays everyone and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!