Wow these last few days feel like such a happy whirlwind.... I am so pleased to share our supernatural childbirth with you! I had three or four false alarms in the two weeks leading up to the birth of our son where I had regular strong contractions that weren't too painful for anything between 3 and 12 hours. I then had a sweep on my due date and was told I was 1cm dilated, my cervix very soft and stretchy and to expect baby any day! I had yet more braxton hicks most of the day Wednesday and by Thursday I was very uncomfortable and getting tired as couldn't rest thinking 'is this it?'. By Thursday evening I wanted to know if anything was happening so went to Solihull Birth Unit to be examined. The midwife said she thought my waters had gone so I was 'on the clock' and had until 11am the following day to give birth otherwise I would be induced. The midwives at Solihull were very concerned about baby's size as I had a huge bump and was 'all baby' measuring at 43/44 weeks when I was actually 40+3 and agreed they would rather I deliver at Heartlands as they were worried that we could have complications due to baby's size. I was only 2cm dilated (this was at around 12am) so they told me to go home for a few hours until the contractions were stronger then to go to Heartlands Hospital.
We got home around 1am and my lovely sister was babysitting and still awake so we all had a cup of tea and then my waters well and truly went - everywhere! It was the strangest sensation and we all laughed as Dave ran for towels... then the contractions were double strength and coming thick and fast and within 5 minutes we were back in the car going to Heartlands.
We got to hospital at 2:14am and were put in to a clinical looking delivery room - no waterbirths or midwife led units allowed now as we were technically high risk wish I was a little sad about as we had a lovely waterbirth with Aaron. The contractions were very intense and I was pretty nervous about possible intervention but I knew we were in the right place and felt Gods peace as Dave and I prayed throughout the labour.
The midwife came in around 2.30am and said she thought I was very calm so suggested examining me later, I asked her to examine me there and then and she said 'oh you are fully dilated Mrs Edwards, would you like some gas and air?!' Classic! So I got up and knelt on the bed, had gas and air and soon needed to push. Within a few contractions Isaac Terence David was born at 3.22am on St David's Day weighing a hearty 9lbs 5oz!
The birth was amazing, no tears, stitches or complications. It was truly a supernatural birth and I could hear Dave praying all the way through. He is an awesome birth partner! We had been reading Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize all the way through conception and pregnancy and God really blessed us with another fantastic birth experience. The book is amazing and helps you to discover and stand on the promises of God in the bible concerning conception, pregnancy and birth. We read it from 6 months pregnant with Aaron and from day one with Isaac.
After the obligatory tea and toast I showered and was wheeled down to Cedar ward with my bundle. It was so surreal watching this little tiny person staring back at me knowing that he was inside me just minutes before! God is good and as I gaze at my beautiful babies I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love to God for his blessings and to Jesus for standing with me every step of the way.