This powerful combination of talents God has blessed me with has led me to share my heart and soul on a blog which has proved both therapeutic and challenging at times. Through the amazing blogging community I have 'met' many wonderful people from all walks of life and have learned more about myself than I could ever have thought possible. Sharing life with others is GOOD. God intended us to live in company and spend time with people, and I for one highly value the blogosphere and the knowledge and support gained from it a I have navigated raising two boys, dealing with post natal depression and launching my own writing business.
I believe that there are seasons in life, and sometimes things change or stop when they have run their course, and I have felt personally challenged to change the direction of my blog so that it is more focused on me as a woman and a mother rather than my children. This is partly due to being horribly conscious that my boys are discussed or displayed on the internet and my desire to protect them, but also due to our exciting plans in the coming year.
As a family we have always wanted to adopt and we are super excited to be initiating the process later this year. This will of course have implications for my blog as if we are successful I may be unable to discuss my adopted child much less display their picture for their own safety, so I want to start reducing my boys presence in my blog now so that I might treat them all the same right from the off.
I still plan to discuss parenting issues that we face, as well as dilemmas dealt with by working moms peppered with video links to my new songs that I am writing (new season for me here too!) and also a sprinkling of sewing projects for your enjoyment, hence the new name: Sing Sew Write! Those who have followed me for a while may recognise the name as it was my first blog name so I am returning to my roots!
I hope you continue to enjoy reading my blog as much as I do writing it.
Love R xx
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