Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The Liebster Award!

The Liebster Award is for bloggers with fewer than 300 followers. A blogger nominates 11 fellow bloggers and asks them a set of 11 questions. The rules state that a nominee must link back to the blogger from whom they received a nomination. The nominee will write 11 random facts about themselves and then answer the 11 questions which have been set for them. They in turn will nominate another 11 bloggers and pose 11 questions to them. This is such a cool fun way to connect with new bloggers, find out more about each other and hopefully help us all gain some new followers along the way.

Thank you so much to Julia Edwards - teacakeandmyboy who nominated me, I really appreciate it! so here goes....

Random Facts about me.....
1. I am 30 this year - eek!
2. I met my husband through Internet dating! We were both Christians looking for someone to share life and faith with and got chatting on a christian dating site before meeting on Valentines Day in 2006, engaged in 2007 and married 17th May 2008 :)
3. We have one 3 year old son and a second one due in February 2013!
4. We recently relocated from rural Warwick to Birmingham (!) to be closer to our church Renewal Christian Centre.
5. I am a singer and part of the worship team at Renewal - although currently on maternity leave!
6. I am totally OCD about tidiness and am always reorganising toys/kitchen cupboards/furniture/filing etc much to the annoyance of my long suffering husband....
7. I trained as a veterinary nurse which I did for 7 years then fancied trying a 9-5 office job for 12 months and never looked back!
8. I love handbags. And scarves. Seriously they are my Achilles heel.
9. Dave and I would love to adopt in the future, we may possibly start looking into it when our boys are 7 and 5.
10. I love Starbucks and Cafe Nero (close call between the two!) my current fave drink is chai latte but caramel macchiato is close second!
11. I loved Kirstie's Homemade Home series and this inspired me to take up sewing, crocheting as general crafting in 2012 :) still loving it in 2013!!

Julie's 11 Questions for me:
1. Why did you start blogging?
Because I wanted to chart my journey into the world of crafting, and at the same to w was joining the worship team at Renewal Christian Centre whilst being a mom to my son Aaron and working part time... Always have liked being busy!!

2. Earliest memory?
Playing in my nan's garden with my little sister, we would 'hide' in the flower beds!

3. Biscuits or cake?
Ooh close call but biscuits would cinch it for me!

4. Most embarrasing moment?
Oh gosh there are soo many.... Don't even know what to choose!

5. Where do like going on holiday?
Anywhere as long as I am with my hubby and boys :) but do love a warm climate!!

6. Tea or coffee drinker?
Ooh, love my Starbucks but at home its redbush 'rooibos' tea every time!

7. If you won the lottery how would you spend it?
I don't gamble so would never win but if given money I would clear debts, buy a house and invest for our children.

8. What's your favourite season and why?
Spring - new life and new potential! Love seeing the buds and plants spring back into life and the splashes of colour come back into the scenery.

9. What are your hobbies?
Love singing, sewing, crochet and blogging!

10. What couldn't you live without (phone not included)?
My husband :)

11. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Probably South of France or Spain so that we are still close enough to see family but able to enjoy the sea and warmer temperatures!

Here are my nominated bloggers:


and my questions to you are....
1. What made you start a blog?
2. If you could do anything career wise what would choose to do?
3. If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world where would you go?
4. Do you have any hobbies?
5. Do you believe in God or have a faith/religion?
6. What is your favourite food?
7. Shoes or handbags?
8. Tomato ketchup or HP brown sauce?
9. If you could have a conversation with anyone in the world, dead or alive who would it be and why?
10. What do you do to relax and unwind?
11. If you could go back in time and talk to your 16 year old self what would you say?

Love R xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the nomination :) Great questions! I can relate to the warmer climates having lived in Spain and Mexico. It's definitely worth the move if you can do it.
