Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Toddlers Tantrums and Tears

Most of the tears are mine. I feel like banging my head against the proverbial brick wall. My three year old is the apple of my eye, an intelligent, cute little boy who has a wicked sense of humour and a vivid imagination. He also has the worst temper I have ever seen on a child and his recent tantrum episodes have escalated beyond anything I have ever experiences.

Bedtime is usually the worst time however his hissy fits can occur at any time of the day, usually over washing his hands, brushing his teeth or getting dressed. We have tried everything from time out to taking away toys, and we are met with screams, shouts, foot stomping and throwing of toys. My neighbours must think we are wicked parents as all they must hear are screams of a 3 year old occasionally followed by our own retaliation when we have reached our limit.

Today has been monumentally bad. I had to resort to driving my son around in the car to get him to sleep it off after he screamed and tantrummed for 1 hour 40 minutes. He did eventually crash out only to wake in the same foul mood as he went to sleep in. Nursery have no problems, it is only at home which doesn't make me feel any better.

We are expecting baby no. 2 any day and although I am under no illusion that this may have some bearing on the all to regular outbursts, I am also painfully aware that it is simply a very stubborn and unpleasant phase that we need to work through. The only way to do that is remain consistent, keep calm and muddle on, so much easier said than done when you are 9 months pregnant and knackered and just want to enjoy the last few precious weeks with your first born before the chaos of a newborn.... And then the proverbial will really hit the fan....

As I type my son is still shouting an hour on from bedtime and has thrown all his toys and bedding out of his room. Tried distraction, offering cuddles, softly softly approach, ignoring, removing toys and even shouting back. Hubby desperately trying to work in his study next door and I would love to sleep if not for the bloodcurdling cries echoing through my house. Hate that we are both in tears and can't seem to do anything to help it.

Answers on a postcard please.

1 comment:

  1. First of all massive hugs lovely! We have been through this exact stage with Meg, it felt like someone had exchanged our bright sparkly little girl for a screaming banshee some days! I think it is very likely connected to your pregnancy, children are SO perceptive and Aaron will know that big changes are afoot. And also I do think it's a stage most children go through, you are right that you need to be consistent. We found that putting Meg in her room to cool down made a huge difference as she needed the space and timeout wasn't enough. She was able to come downstairs when she was ready for cuddles and to talk. I know on bad days it feels like there is no end in sight but it won't be forever xx
