Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014 - A Year of Possibilities & Promises

Welcome 2014! After a fabulous evening of love, laughter, good food and great friends I am the first awake on the first day of the New Year (courtesy of my small children who think sleep is for the weak)

So as I sip my lemon and ginger tea to counteract the celebratory champers consumed at midnight last night, I am sat in our besties front room
watching my gorgeous sons playing and thanking God for the crazy ways he has blessed me in the past decade. 

Not only have I met and married my best friend and lover, we have moved house twice, become part of the ministry team at our amazing church Renewal, made life long friends along the way to share the journey of life and faith, both launched our own businesses and most importantly been given the gift of children. 

At the start of the noughties I was a single girl, living in Cambridgeshire, working as a veterinary nurse and if someone had said to me 8 years ago that I would be living in Birmingham, married with two children, serving God in the worship team and  a freelance writing career I would have laughed in their face! The truth is I thought I had 'everything', I was doing what I thought was my dream job, living week to week on my paycheck with no responsibilities and partying like it was 1999...again, but I was searching for more, a deep longing in my heart that could only be filled by Jesus.

Gods plans far exceed mine, and He has proved over and over again since I gave my heart to Jesus, that He knows best and the way He has transformed and enriched my life is just beyond anything I could have hoped for or imagined.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declared The Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future...." Jeremiah 29:11

God always fulfils His plans and promises for our life. Even when we are struggling and can't see beyond the next step in our journey we just need to trust in Him and He will hold our hands through each decision and guide us along the right path for us. If we will only follow His lead this year the possibilities are endless as God will go ahead of us and prepare a way for us, so let's take His hand this year and let Him lead us in 2014.

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