My Faith

I am a Christian, which means that I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for me and rose again and that he sent the Holy Spirit to be with believers on the earth until the day that he returns. I believe that Jesus is real, that he is alive and that he loves each and everyone of us more than we could ever possibly imagine.

My family and I attend a large vibrant church in the heart of England, Renewal, so if you are ever in the Midlands why not check us out, you may even hear me warbling in the worship band! There is an amazing children's ministry in Renewal Family Centre where your little ones from 2+ will have a blast learning with friends their own age, and  parents with small tots can enjoy the service from a well equipped play room that has the service streamed in on big screens so your baby can feed and play happily. There is also a fabulous coffee shop where you can enjoy a cappuccino and home made cake or stay for a hot cooked lunch!

If you don't know Jesus or have general questions about faith and Christianity then check out a local Alpha course where you can have a meal with like-minded people and ask anything you like - no question is off limits!! There is no pressure and you can just find out more about God and Jesus at your own pace.

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