For some it is sky scraper stilettos and for others it may be a penchant for prints, but my style achilles heel comes in the form of two items; scarves and handbags. Having been told by some wise old soul that you can never look fat in a handbag, I think that somewhere deep within my subconscious leapt for joy and made that mantra my own. A new handbag never fails to make me feel good!
The same can be said for my scarf addiction, you can simply never have too many scarves! Thankfully for my long suffering husband they are slightly more affordable than the latest designer tote, so regular new additions to my over stuffed scarf draw are not met with too much disapproval.
Fashion interests me in the way that it may or may not be perceived by people of different faiths. If clothes are an extension of our personality, then surely our style should reflect something of our beliefs too?There are of course specific items worn for religious reasons, with some of the better known ones being the Burqa (full body covering) or Hijab (face and neck covering) as worn by some Muslim women, or the cross/crucifix as worn by Christians to represent their respective faiths. I know that wearing these items actually has no bearing on what faith you are, and certainly wearing a cross makes me no more of a Christian than Rihanna donning a NASA space suit would make her an astronaut. However the suggestion is that what we wear (or more importantly don't wear) does speak to other of our traditions and beliefs.
The dubious role models women see splashed across every newspaper, magazine and social media site portray rebellious celebrities as strong minded women who wear what they want and don't care what anyone else thinks about their look or their attitude. In fact I think that the outfits worn by some of the more outgoing starlets scream the need for attention in a world where you can no longer be accepted if you don't break free from 'the norm', as opposed to a woman who knows her own mind. Perhaps those women who choose to wear bright clashing prints, leather skinnies and statement heels without feeling the need to display her cleavage down to the navel are actually the stronger individuals who are secure enough in their own skin not to follow the crowd.
Whatever your personal style, there is something out there for everyone that makes their eyes widen and their heart race. Fashion is so subjective, and what makes one person feel a million dollars could make another recoil in horror. I think that is what I love about it, that ability to share a piece of your own personality, to bare a small part of your soul for the world to see, and this expression is one that should be respected and embraced.

Interestingly more and more women in Britain have adopted wearing face and neck coverings after growing tired of the constant unwanted attention from some disrespectful men, and they have embraced the strict rules imposed on Muslim women when it comes to dress code. It is so often the case that young women feel that they have such little choice in how they dress, or indeed they feel railroaded into dressing in a provocative way to please their peers, gain social acceptance or even secure a promotion.

As a Christian, I know that I am accepted by God just as I am however that does not mean that I go around wearing immodest clothing. When you receive Jesus you are made into a new creation, and that includes the renewing of your mind, so that what you may have thought was appropriate before you would now consider to be the opposite.
Since having children, low cut tops are a no go area for me anyway as invariably a small hand will tug in the wrong place causing a massive wardrobe malfunction, and short skirts would simply not be feasible as I spend 70% of my day on my hands and knees with two small boys. I don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with these items if worn correctly and respectfully, I know that I am representing Jesus where ever I go, and that how I speak and conduct myself will speak far more loudly of my faith than anything I wear. That said, however, I still would not choose clothing that gain unnecessary attention out of respect for God and the body He gave me.
Faith does not mean that fashion has to take a back seat in your life (thank the Lord!!) God didn't design us to be clones, but rather He made each and everyone of us completely unique with individual personalities, and He wants us to use them! Making an effort with our appearance not only makes us look good but feel good, and being attractive is exactly what the Bible is all about; showing others the difference that Jesus has made in our lives. We have so much to be thankful for, our amazing God, Jesus our Saviour, the blessings of our exquisite world hand painted by the ultimate designer Himself, not to mention our wonderful families and warm homes. So go ahead, be thankful this spring and smile as you embrace the paintbox print trend or the oh so chic skort this season, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the creator and He wants to see you shine for His Kingdom in 2014.
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